The following papers, publications, tutorials and presentations
and reference contain information about frequency stability
- W. J. Riley, "The Calculation of Time Domain
Frequency Stability".
- W.J. Riley, "The Basics of Frequency Stability
- W.J. Riley, "The Hadamard Variance".
- W.J. Riley, "Methodologies for Time Domain
Frequency Stability Measurement and Analysis".
- W.J. Riley, "Application of the 3-Cornered Hat
Method to the Analysis Of Frequency Stability".
- W.J. Riley, "Gaps, Outliers, Dead Time, and Uneven
Spacing in Frequency Stability Data".
- W.J. Riley, "References for Frequency Stability
- W.J. Riley, "Techniques for Frequency Stability
- W.J. Riley, "Use of the Autocorrelation Function for
Frequency Stability Analysis".
- W.J. Riley, "Algorithms for Frequency Jump
- W.J. Riley,
"Frequency Jump Detection and Analysis".
- W.J. Riley, "The
Averaging of Phase and Frequency Data".
- W.J. Riley, "Outliers in Time and Frequency
- W.J. Riley, "The Statistics of Time Transfer".
- W.J. Riley, "The Evolution of Frequency Stability
Analysis Software".
- C.A Greenhall, D.A. Howe and D.B. Percival, "Total
Variance, an Estimator of Long-Term Frequency Stability".
- D. Howe, et al., "A Total Estimator of the
Hadamard Function Used For GPS Operations".
- C.A Greenhall and W.J. Riley, "Uncertainty of Stability
Variances Based on Finite Differences" and Accompanying Software: EDF Program,
Help File,
Source Code.
- W.J. Riley and C.A. Greenhall, "Power Law
Noise Identification Using the Lag 1 Autocorrelation".
- W.J. Riley, "Techniques for Frequency Stability Analysis".
- W.J. Riley, Handbook of Frequency Stability Analysis. You can buy a printed copy of this book
at Handbook, and download it
as NIST Special Publication 1065.
- Please see: "Errata Sheet for Handbook of Frequency
Stability Analysis".
- W.J. Riley, "Outliers in Time and Frequency Measurements.pdf"
- W.J. Riley, "Learn Frequency Stability Analysis Using
- W.J. Riley, "Frequency Stability Analysis Using R".
- W.J. Riley, "Fast Bias-Removed Theo1 Calculation with R".
- W,J, Riley, "The Bandwidth Dependence of Time Domain Frequency Stability
W.J. Riley, "MDEV Versus ADEV".
- D.B
Sullivan, D.W Allan, D.A. Howe and F.L.Walls (Editors),"Characterization of
Clocks and Oscillators", NIST
Technical Note 1337, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, March 1990.
- D.W.
Allan, N. Ashby and C.C. Hodge, "The Science of Timekeeping", Hewlett-Packard
Company Application Note 1289.
J.R. Vig,
"Introduction to Quartz Frequency Standards".
- An excerpt from NBS Monograph 140 containing the classic Annex 8.E example for the calculation of
the Allan variance.
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